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Eastern Threat Center researchers and cooperating scientists have authored and co-authored numerous publications describing research that supports natural resource management and decision making. Select a title to read the publication, or use the search feature to find publications by author, title, or keyword.


Publication Crown-condition classification: a guide to data collection and analysis
Publication Distribution and status of redband trout in the interior Columbia river basin and portions of the Klamath river and great basins
Publication Estimates of critical acid loads and exceedances for forest soils across the conterminous United States
Publication Forest health monitoring: 2005 national technical report
Publication Impacts of air pollution and climate change on forest ecosystems - emerging research needs
Publication Indicating disturbance content and context for preserved areas
Publication Interactive effects of ozone and climate on tree growth and water use in a southern Appalachian forest in the USA
Publication Interactive effects of ozone and climate on water use, soil moisture content and streamflow in a southern Appalachian forest in the USA
Publication International research to monitor sustainable forest spatial patterns: proceedings of the 2005 IUFRO World Congress symposium
Publication Mapping landscape corridors
Publication Neutral model analysis of landscape patterns from mathematical morphology
Publication Patterns of disturbance at multiple scales in real and simulated landscapes
Publication Regional patterns in foliar 15N across a gradient of nitrogen deposition in the northeastern US
Publication Seed rain, soil seed bank, seed loss and regeneration of Castanopsis fargesii (Fagaceae) in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest
Publication Temporal change in forest fragmentation at multiple scales
Publication The diversity-biomass-productivity relationships in grassland management and restoration
Publication The effect of Appalachian mountaintop mining on interior forest
Publication The historical background, framework, and the application of forest health monitoring in the United States
Publication Uncertainty analysis on simple mass balance model to calculate critical loads for soil acidity


Publication Carbon and Water Fluxes in a Drained Coastal Clearcut and a Pine Plantation in Eastern North Carolina
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